Strange Sentences That Have Been Uttered By Mankind But Probably Never Will Be Again
Have you ever uttered a strange sentence and thought to yourself no one has ever said that before and probably never will again? The unique sentence exists only for a brief moment then disappears into the void, forever lost to mankind. This great loss to the world makes Big Cheese Badger very sad so he's created a home for these strange sentences that have been uttered by mankind but probably never will be again on this page so they can be saved from this bleak future and enjoyed by generations to come.
This is probably the most comprehensive strange sentences that have been uttered by mankind but probably never will be again list in the world. If you are studying strange sentences that have been uttered by mankind but probably never will be again for a school project or university thesis then this page will be a vital resource for your work. Each entry has been rigorously researched to confirm its authenticity so you can be confident they are 100% genuine strange sentences that have been uttered by mankind but probably never will be again.
Feel free to send us your own strange sentences that have been uttered by mankind but probably never will be again but please note they will have to go through a lengthy and sometimes intrusive validation procedure before they can be added to the list. For your safety, surgical gloves will be worn at all times.
"I think the name Brian would suit you if you were a man."
"Those berries look like red see-through moles."
"Stalking is so much easier than animal amputation."
"Cool as a brick."
"We can add Geoff to the list of Bob."
"I often think that children are cats."
Apologies but we couldn't be bothered to finish this page so here's a picture of a fish drawn in ten seconds:

And just in case you're wondering, the fish isn't doing a massive fart, that's its tail.